This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one way you can relax and unwind today that might also inspire a bit of creativity, perhaps through photography or exploring new plotter techniques just for fun?
  • Considering your recent thoughts on the organization of photos, how could you set up a relaxing yet productive system today that helps you manage or categorize your images?
  • How can you make your environment more conducive to relaxation and creativity today, perhaps by tweaking something in your living space?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Explore SVG code for creative exploration
[ ] - Lunch and quick break
[ ] - Dismantle a desk upstairs

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Today was a lazy Saturday, a day that did not exactly go as planned, but turned out to be unexpectedly relaxing.

I intended to explore some new SVG code and maybe dismantle a desk and a bed upstairs. But after starting on the SVG code, I realised it strained my eyes more than I anticipated. Rather than push through and regret it later, I decided to give in to the tiredness and nap instead.

Dismantling the desk and bed was next on the agenda, but that didn't happen either. Instead, the day slowly transformed into a series of naps and some light cooking in the kitchen. While I originally had all these productive plans, it became clear that maybe what I needed was a day off, and nothing screams relaxation more than lots of naps and some comfort food.

In the evening, Nixie and I went to see the new Deadpool movie. It was a great way to unwind, and I thoroughly enjoyed the humour and the action-packed scenes. Spending time out and away from the projects and tasks was refreshing.

Reflecting on the day's unplanned relaxation made me think about how important it is to unwind and not fill the entire day with tasks. I often try to stay busy, but perhaps learning to relax more will benefit me a lot in the long run. Taking a break from productivity isn't such a bad thing after all.

Although today didn't involve any major achievements or crossed-off to-do lists, it was filled with rest and quality time with Nixie. Now looking back, I feel much better for it. The SVG exploration and dismantling tasks can wait for another day when I'm more energised.

Overall, the day reminded me of the simple joys of taking it easy and enjoying the moment. Tomorrow I'll ease back into some lighter tasks as I'm feeling ready to tackle the new week soon enough.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Today, take time to explore SVG import techniques with your plotter, allowing yourself to experiment in a relaxed manner without putting pressure on the results.

Quick Action Points

  • Import and Experiment: Import an SVG file from an external source and play around with its data to see how you can creatively "grow" move lines around the imported design.
  • Dismantle One Item: Consider dismantling the desk or bed in the upstairs room as planned. This will take a small load off your mind and make the environment feel a bit more managed.
  • Photography Fun: Even if it's not a planned photo organization day, perhaps take a few casual, fun shots of your SVG experiments or studio environment just for the creative joy.


You are constantly evolving and discovering new ways to express your creativity. Today, allow yourself to relax and enjoy these small steps forward without the pressure of deadlines.

Additional Thoughts

Given your interest in photo sorting but cautious approach today, perhaps note down any new ideas that occur while you're casually experimenting with SVGs. Capture these moments of inspiration for future scheduled activities. Enjoy your relaxed experimentation time this weekend, aiding creativity without the stress.

Normal Kitty 😺