This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one new technique or adjustment you'd like to explore in your pen plotting designs today that could optimize the documentation process you were working on yesterday?
  • Considering the tranquility you felt during yesterday’s morning walk, how can you integrate a similar peaceful start into your routine today to enhance your creativity?
  • What's one way you can improve your photo editing process for social media today, based on your recent experiences?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Plan out Paper Camp this morning
[ ] - Continue documenting pen plotting design
[ ] - Visit estate agent at lunchtime
[ ] - Attend Zoom call meeting

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Morning sun over the river

Today, I found myself reflecting on the tranquillity I felt yesterday during my morning walk. The peaceful vibe from that walk carried over and influenced my mood positively today. As I strolled along by the river on my way to the estate agent, I made a conscious effort to make the walk as tranquil and relaxing as possible. This little peaceful start really set the tone for my creativity and productivity, even though visiting the estate agent wasn't exactly joyful.

Today's main focus was planning out the Paper Camp talk in the morning. It felt a bit like being on autopilot as I worked through outlining the talk. Once I finished that, I switched gears to continue documenting the first pen plot design. That took a considerable chunk of my time, but it was satisfying to make progress.

The Zoom call I attended in the afternoon was somewhat enlightening, even though I can't share specific details. The feedback I received sparked several ideas on how to enhance my projects. These calls are always a mixed bag, but today's was definitely useful.

The photo editing process for social media did come to mind as well. Making stuff for social media seems time-consuming, especially when I currently feel indifferent towards it. It’s a real challenge trying to keep a balance between creating something worth sharing and feeling like it’s just another chore. Today, I leaned more towards refining the documentation and less towards social media posts.

Around lunchtime, I visited the estate agent, which was predictably mundane. However, the serene walk I had anticipated turned out to be quite refreshing.

Reflecting on the most challenging aspect of today, it was definitely managing the time for both the Paper Camp talk and the documentation. I often find myself rehearsing talks in my head while walking, which helps, but today, I wished I had more hours to refine everything.

By the end of the day, I felt a sense of accomplishment. It wasn’t the most productive day I've had, but some progress is better than none. I’m grateful for the early start I had this morning, making things run smoother overall. Here's hoping tomorrow brings a bit more efficiency.

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Sure! Here’s a suggestion for the day along with action points, affirmation, and additional thoughts formatted in Markdown:

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focusing on Progressive Documentation and Film Creation

Given today's focus on planning out Paper Camp and writing documentation for one of the designs, it's crucial to streamline the documentation process and make intentional "plot videos" consistently. This will not only save time but also create a systematic archive of your progress and creative methods.

Quick Action Points

  • Document in Real-Time: Start taking intentional videos and photos of the pen plots as they are being created. Dedicate specific time slots to fully focus on documenting without multitasking.
  • Paper Camp Preparation: Utilize the morning to flesh out the details of your Paper Camp presentation, including both the keynote and hands-on demo elements.
  • Estate Agent Visit: Since you'll be visiting the estate agent at lunchtime, prepare a concise list of points or questions to potentially expedite the process.


You're making meaningful strides in both your personal projects and professional goals. Stay focused, and remember that every small step counts toward the bigger achievement.

Other Thoughts

  • Upcoming Designs: Continuing to develop and finalize designs, like the "Rotate" project and the Quadtree code, will help you gather substantial material not only for work presentations but also for Paper Camp.
  • Financial Management: Keeping a close eye on your accounts and moving funds as needed is stressful but manageable. Your methodical approach will pay off in the long run.
  • Social Media Balance: Although social media isn't a primary focus right now, maintaining a minimal yet consistent presence can keep your audience engaged without overwhelming your schedule. Have a tranquil walk by the river on the way to the estate agent, and make sure to pause and appreciate the progress you've made this week.

This should help you navigate today's tasks effectively, taking into account the momentum from the previous days.

Normal Kitty 😺