This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one small goal you want to achieve by the personally fulfilling as you balance your duties and personal interests today?
  • Is there a particular theme or emotion you want to explore in your art or coding projects today that could also resonate with the updates you're making on your website?
  • How might you incorporate some self-care or relaxation into your schedule today, considering your recent bouts of stress and busyness?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Register new bank cards
[ ] - Bump homepage font size
[ ] - Work on YouTube description updater code
[ ] - Contact estate agent

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Tuesday, jury duty day. I spent a lot of my time waiting around, which gave me a decent chance to dive into some website updates and think about the YouTube project I need to tackle. The morning began with a quick review of my website. No major changes, just bumping up the font size on the homepage.

Once I arrived at the jury duty waiting room, I couldn't resist tinkering further with the website. I'm aiming to bring it slightly more in line with modern design without losing its old-school charm. The fonts, especially on mobile, needed a boost.

In between waiting sessions, more website updates happened, and while it wasn’t thrilling work, it did pass the time. Jury duty really puts things on hold, but it opened up some low-pressure moments to focus on the website's improvement.

After lunch, I turned my attention to catching up with Kitty and ensuring everything was updated. It’s become a core part of my routine, ensuring that the AI PA reflects my actual plans and thoughts each day. It feels good to have that little system working for me.

I had planned to move forward with the YouTube description updater, but time slipped away. It’s a complicated project requiring a focused block of time, and today wasn’t that. Instead, I redirected that energy toward updating the Kitty section on my website, making it clearer what it does and how I'm using it.

I attempted to call the estate agents since I had given them the deadline of today. As expected, no news. It feels like it's all in a holding pattern, which is frustrating. Lastly, I tackled registering the new bank cards. Tedious admin tasks, but essential nonetheless.

I'm definitely feeling the strain of balancing all these little tasks, but without any headaches today, I'm optimistic. All in all, making steady, if somewhat small, progress on several fronts.

The day ended with a bit of a mindfulness exercise, some box breathing, and a walk to clear my head. It always helps to wind down this way. Watching the sunset isn't the worst way to end a busy day.

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Certainly, Daniel! Here's the suggestion and action points based on today's questions and answers, along with added context from previous Q&As:

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on advancing the development of the YouTube description updater. Streamline your tasks and ensure you take breaks to read and relax, maintaining balance between work and self-care.

Quick Action Points:

  • Advance the YouTube Description Updater:
  • Finalize the customization aspect of the script to update the top text dynamically.
  • Begin testing the script on a few YouTube videos to ensure it works as intended.
  • Document any issues or bugs for troubleshooting later.
  • Bump Up Homepage Font Size:
  • Prioritize updating the homepage body text to a more readable font size on both desktop and mobile views.
  • Test the changes on different devices to ensure consistency and legibility.
  • Mindfulness and Breaks:
  • Set a specific time to read your books without your laptop, emulating yesterday's successful routine.
  • Practice mindfulness in-between tasks, perhaps with short meditation or a quiet walk during a break.


"I am taking steady steps towards my goals, maintaining harmony between my responsibilities and personal well-being."

Additional Thoughts

Your automated workflows (e.g., updating YouTube descriptions, integrating Kitty’s insights into your website) are crucial for freeing up time and mental space. Keep chipping away at them gradually, as even small progress can lead to significant benefits in the long run. Don't forget to chase up the estate agent regarding the searches to keep things moving forward on that front.

Feel free to let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to add or adjust in today's plan!

Enthusiastic Kitty 😻