This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one thing you can do today to nurture your mental health, especially considering your recent focus on minimizing stress and balancing work and home life?
  • Reflecting on your recent shift to Affinity Photo, how do you plan to explore or integrate this new tool in today's tasks to enhance your creative workflow?
  • Given your recent successes with managing studio tasks efficiently, what's one way you can apply these organizational strategies to your projects today to boost productivity?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Plot out yesterday's journal pages
[ ] - Meet friend at coffee shop, 11:35
[ ] - Edit the #weeknotes video
[ ] - Make the thumbnail for #weeknotes video
[ ] - Upload video to YouTube
[ ] - Drop items at charity shop

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Friday was a day of juggling focus and finding balance. I started the morning in a bit of a weird task limbo. It was too early to dive into heavy work before meeting a friend but too late to start anything meaningful. I decided to use this pocket of time to dump video footage off the cameras, ready for today's big task: editing the weekly video.

By 12:35, I was knee-deep in editing the weeknotes video. It's always a bit odd revisiting footage from the past few days, almost like solving a puzzle where the pieces are my own life. Still, it felt rewarding to see how the pieces fit together. By early afternoon, I was still at the editing station, putting together the audio and video like a mad science experiment.

The coffee shop meet-up earlier in the day was brief but refreshing. We talked about the increasing creativity in Shrewsbury over the past decade. It's fascinating how much the creative scene has blossomed. We're planning another catch-up next Friday as we had to cut this one short.

Back in the studio, working with Affinity Photo for the thumbnail was a challenge but also an opportunity. The transition has been mostly smooth, although resizing images feels a bit clunky compared to Photoshop. I used a PNG file with a pre-created title to sidestep potential font issues. I still find myself reaching back to familiar tools while I learn this new software, but it's progress.

By mid-afternoon, the video export was complete. I double-checked the sync of the audio and visuals to avoid any last-minute surprises. There was just enough time to also plot out yesterday’s journal pages.

The most enjoyable part of the day was that brief coffee shop visit. Discussing creativity with someone from a similar background was uplifting. It reminded me how important social interactions are, especially ones that feed the soul and recharge the creative batteries.

Reflecting on the day, I managed to keep my stress levels in check, balancing between tasks without feeling overwhelmed. Breaking up the day with a social visit and then diving back into work kept things balanced and productive. It's a reminder to keep things simple and focused, one step at a time.

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Main Suggestion for the Day:

Focus on maintaining a relaxed demeanor while editing the week notes video this afternoon. Approach the task with a chill attitude to avoid the stress that comes with tight deadlines.

Quick Action Points:

  • Take a Calming Break: Before starting your video editing session, take a 10-minute calming break to set a relaxed tone.

  • Use Familiar Tools: Stick to Photoshop for the thumbnail if the transition to Affinity Photo feels time-consuming or stressful today.

  • Stay On Schedule: Aim to complete the video edit within the allocated afternoon slot, but remind yourself it's okay if it slightly overruns.


You are capable, focused, and calm. You have expertly managed your tasks this week, and you will continue to achieve with ease and grace.

Additional Thoughts:

Considering the ongoing transition to Affinity Photo and its potential impact on your workflow, allow yourself more flexibility during this adjustment period. Remember to focus on tasks that bring you mental ease rather than added stress. You have already recognized the benefits of lower expectations and a relaxed approach in enhancing productivity—continue nurturing that balance. Lastly, enjoy your brief coffee meetup and use it as a mental refresh before delving into the afternoon's work. Hope this helps clarify your day and keeps it smooth!

Normal Kitty 😺