This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What leisure activities do you have planned for today that might also inspire your creativity or offer a refreshing perspective?
  • Is there a book or creative project you’re looking forward to spending time on today?
  • How might you use your experience from this past week to relax and improve your well-being this weekend?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Cancel recurring payment accounts and manage subscriptions
[ ] - Create "Shop is Being Revamped" HTML page
[ ] - Research new shop platform options (Squarespace, Wix, etc.)
[ ] - Play Diablo for leisure and inspiration
[ ] - Set up more Kitty pages on revdancatt
[ ] - Reflect and unwind from stressful week

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Saturday was a unique blend of activities that stretched across the productive and the mundane, wrapping up with some good self-reflection. The morning was largely marked by leisure activities, although it’s debatable whether going through and cancelling numerous unused subscriptions qualifies as relaxation. Still, it was satisfying in its own way. Sorting through the forgotten services and ending their sneaky charges felt a bit like decluttering, even if it involved more clicking than tidying.

My initial plan was to make significant headway with my website, specifically creating the "Shop is Being Revamped" page. This is especially vital as I plan to take the shop offline towards the month's end and replace it with a placeholder page. The challenge lies in deciding which platform to switch to—Squarespace, Wix, or something else. There’s a lot of 'shopping around' happening, even though it's all virtual. Right now, it's about finding the right balance between utility and cost-effectiveness, preferably with a discount for the first few months.

Reflecting on the past week, I find little in terms of experiences that would aid my relaxation. Encounters with estate agents and solicitors have been long and draining, filled with empty deadlines and false hopes. The constant two-week ticker that never quite reaches zero is frustrating. It’s exhausting mentally and leaves no room for genuine relaxation or a sense of well-being. This week is a reminder that dealing with continuous uncertainty can sap one's energy more than any single crisis might.

Despite the financial frustrations, I managed to find some comfort in the small victories of today. Cancelling those subscriptions brought a sense of relief that I didn't quite anticipate. It feels good to lessen the digital clutter, the ghost expenses that silently drain finances and mental energy. There's something oddly liberating about hitting 'cancel' on services that no longer serve any purpose.

Later in the day, I switched gears entirely, immersing myself in Diablo for a good chunk of time. Gaming provided an escape, a mental break from the complexities of adult life, and allowed my brain to just 'go with the flow.' It was a delightful reprieve, not just from today's tasks but from the lingering tension of the week.

As evening rolled around, I dedicated some time to reading "Artist and Computer". The book is a fascinating exploration of the intersection of art and technology, and I found it surprisingly relaxing. It started to shift my thinking from digital frustrations to creative opportunities. It aligns perfectly with my contemplation about moving towards more physical media, like zines and smaller publications. These offer a tangible form of expression and feel ever so slightly nostalgic, yet innovatively modern.

The day closed on a note of satisfaction—some tasks finished, some left for another time, but all within a context of renewed clarity. Moving forward, I want to explore these physical media avenues further. They promise a refreshing break from the digital world, something more tactile and perhaps more meaningful. The goal is not to eliminate social media but to use it more sparingly and deliberately, maybe even shifting some of that interaction into more personal and physical realms.

Finishing up, I am reminded that while plans don't always work out, and financial worries linger, there's still value in the small wins. Decluttering, gaming, reading, and even cancelled subscriptions all contribute to a nuanced improvement in the day. So, here's to small victories and the hope that they pave the way for bigger, better days ahead.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Take break time seriously: With a day dedicated to managing subscriptions and working on the new shop's "revamped" page, integrating more scheduled breaks can help balance productivity and relaxation.

Action Points

  • Plan a DETAILED break schedule: Set specific times for breaks and what you’ll do during those breaks (e.g. a walk, a snack, some reading).
  • Engage in a creative mini-task during breaks: Consider working on something small and creative, like a quick sketch or brainstorming new art ideas.
  • Use cancellation as a mindfulness exercise: As you cancel each subscription, take a moment to reflect on how it feels to declutter and gain more control over personal/creative space.


You have the power to create a balanced and mindful day, making space for both productivity and relaxation.

Other Thoughts

Balancing stress, particularly with the ongoing sale complications and looming financial concerns, demonstrate resilience. Utilizing breaks effectively may help reduce burnout, providing a more grounded approach to weekend activities. Remember, the process of decluttering today could instill a more focused and peaceful mindset, contributing positively to your overall well-being.

Please let me know if you need anything else!

Normal Kitty 😺