This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What’s one thing you’re looking forward to in your work today, especially considering your recent jury duty experiences?
  • How can you incorporate a small act of kindness into your day, maybe something to uplift your spirits or those of others around you?
  • Considering the shift in your routine due to jury duty, what’s a new way you could organize your day for enhanced creativity or productivity?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Attend court at 10:00 AM
[ ] - Take laptop, work on zine pages
[ ] - Visit new studio if released early
[ ] - Post uplifting content on social media
[ ] - Continue reading book to manage stress

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Tuesday, another day of jury duty. I turned up at the court building, hoping it would be a quick in-and-out situation. Spoiler: it wasn't. The day dragged on, with me parked in the waiting room, just in case I was needed. I wasn't, of course. Sitting on those uncomfortable chairs was challenging — the laptop really doesn't balance well on your lap, despite the name.

I did manage to work a bit on the code for the zines, generating algorithms so the pages arrange correctly when folded. It was a nice little victory, especially since my creative juices haven't been flowing much with all this jury duty hanging over me. The thought of a semi-automatic zine collating system is pretty exciting, and it feels good to have made some progress there.

Being kind to myself mainly involved not pushing too hard. I just sat and let my thoughts wander. It wasn’t exactly relaxing, always feeling like I was about to be called up, but I got by. There was no sense of time to relax as you never knew when they'd need you. It's tough to unwind when you're constantly on alert.

There was a glimmer of creativity today. I didn't design any zine pages directly, but coding the system to arrange them was an unexpected delight. Turning something complex into a streamlined process was pretty rewarding. Definitely turned some stress into something constructive.

The day ended without any major changes — just more waiting and trying to find solace in small achievements. Reflecting on all the sitting around, I am grateful for the jury system, even if it's somewhat of a drag. Better to be a spare juror than to have to sit through the unpleasant details of a case.

Playing Diablo at the end of the day helped switch my brain off. The game's new pets addition is neat, a small joy to wrap up a long and boring day. Here’s hoping tomorrow brings a bit more action or, better yet, a swift end to my jury duty stint.

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Sure thing, Daniel! Here's a structured suggestion to kickstart your day, tailored from today's insights and ongoing themes:

Main Suggestion for the Day:

Since you might have some time at the studio later, your main focus should be designing a few zine pages. This will not only help you stay connected to your creative side amid jury duty but also contribute to long-term projects like your publications.

Quick Action Points:

  • Pack Your Laptop: Bring your laptop to court so you can work on zine pages during downtime, even without internet access.
  • Digital Declutter: Use breaks to continue clearing unused digital subscriptions, which proved satisfying over the weekend.
  • Review Weeknotes: Record some brief video clips whenever you leave or return to the court building to keep your weeknotes rolling and maintain some creative continuity.


🌟 You are resilient and adaptable. Every small step forward is progress. 🌟

Other Thoughts:

Given your recent experience with jury duty, it's commendable how you’ve found pockets of time to be productive, whether through reading or small tasks. Remember, your kindness towards yourself is key. If today allows you to head to the studio, maximize this time for enjoyable and stress-free creativity. You've got this, Daniel! Let's turn today's waiting game into a creative gain. 🎨✨

Cheerful Kitty 😸