This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one leisure or creative activity you're planning today that might help you unwind and feel rejuvenated for the week ahead?
  • How might today’s activities inspire any current or future projects, especially those related to your recent handwriting code work?
  • Is there a particular book or series you've been wanting to dive into, and how could this potentially influence your creative thoughts or relaxation today?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Process the old studio
[ ] - Work on handwriting code
[ ] - Do some book reading
[ ] - Play Diablo
[ ] - Cook dinner

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Ah, Sunday. Sundays are supposed to be for relaxation, right? Today, I embarked on a nice journey of not forcing myself into the trap of extra work—a decision I'm rather proud of.

First off, the highlight: Diablo gaming. I've got to say, reaching "dad mode" in Diablo has its perks. The game practically plays itself! I managed to collect a couple of key items, making my build quite easy to manage. It's a delightful way to turn off the brain for a bit. Morning hours spent in front of the console were a great way to start the day.

Reading was the other major part today. I dove into this design book series by Radim Malinic. His seven-book series is excellent for someone like me who craves a blend of visual and written content. I spent a good amount of time flipping through the initial volumes in PDF format on my laptop. They gave me some fresh insights and reignited my interest in diving deeper into various design philosophies.

Speaking of creativity, I resisted the urge to dive into my handwriting code project. Instead, I chose to connect Kitty to my Obsidian notes. That was a surprising yet satisfying bit of coding—laying the groundwork for more organised journaling and note-taking. It took longer than expected and strained my eyes, which led to a slight headache. Lesson learned: balance even the fun stuff to avoid burnout.

The weather chipped in with thunderstorms and rain, setting a perfect mood for indoor creativity and relaxation. Sometimes, it's the simple things.

Reflecting on combining Diablo with reading, I realised that these activities helped me decompress and prepare for the work week. They provided needed breaks, allowing my mind to wander simply and productively. It's evident that even engaging in leisure activities can spark new ideas if balanced correctly.

At one point today, around 14:40, I was knee-deep in giving Kitty access to my Obsidian notes. It feels good to see the linking project come together, though I'll need to moderate my screen time better in the future to avoid headaches. But overall, a successful Sunday with no regretful rush into Monday's tasks.

Not everything was productive, though. While reading sparked a lot of ideas, I didn’t jot them down immediately. That's a habit I need to improve. Re-reading sections of the book will help; it's something I've learned to do to catch anything I missed the first time.

So, to sum it all up: a day well spent in the balance of leisure and mild productivity. The handwriting code can wait until tomorrow, leaving today as a day for unwinding and getting mentally set for the week ahead. And you know what? It was a pretty good decision.

Alright, that’s it for today. Time to switch gears, unwind a bit more, and get ready to tackle whatever Monday throws at me.

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Sure, here's a summarized suggestion and action plan for today with appropriate context and an affirmation:

Main Suggestion

Focus on rejuvenating yourself by balancing leisure and a bit of creative work, ensuring you head into the week refreshed and motivated.

Quick Action Points

  • Enjoy some quality time playing Diablo to unwind and feel rejuvenated.
  • Dive into the joined-up handwriting code project to make tangible progress before the workweek starts.
  • Spend some time reading the Radim Malinic series to stimulate creativity and gather design insights.


Remember, taking time to recharge and indulge in personal interests will enhance your creativity and productivity for the upcoming week. You've got this!

Other Thoughts

Balancing leisure with small bits of creative work today can alleviate stress while still keeping the momentum on your projects. The culmination of both relaxation and productivity can set a positive tone for the rest of the week ahead.

Normal Kitty 😺