This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one small step you can take today to advance the final script towards completion, and how might that contribute to a sense of achievement by the day's end?
  • Given your recent successful integration of an audible alarm in Kitty for managing breaks, is there another enhancement or feature you're considering to further streamline your productivity or well-being?
  • Reflecting on your efforts to avoid certain snacks to prevent headaches, how will you adapt your environment or routine today to support this decision and maintain your focus on your projects?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Finalize and review last script draft
[ ] - Experiment with light show SD card export
[ ] - Prepare for Instagram meeting at 3 PM
[ ] - Work on pre-seed project and zine page if time

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Wednesday's saga began with the highest of intentions and a game plan as streamlined as one of my art studio's sleek drawing machines. Yet, in a twist that would've made a great plot twist for one of my scripts, the day took a sharp turn down the lane of unexpected naps and hair-removal quests.

The morning rolled in with me bolting out for a haircut. A trim here, a shower at the old studio, and I was mentally prepped to tackle my script. But that's where the plot thickened, or rather, my eyelids did. The idea was to crank out the final touches on the script post-haircut. However, my body had other plans, dictating a nap was in urgent order. And who am I to argue with the wisdom of my own body? So, I surrendered to the arms of Morpheus.

In my defence, I'd like to think of the nap as an unscheduled brainstorming session with my subconscious. Though, admittedly, my subconscious seemed more interested in plotting dreams than art. By the time I woke, it was nearly time for my afternoon meeting about Instagram strategies. Time truly is a sneaky thief.

Though I aimed for a day chock-full of productivity, it seems my body had earmarked it for rest. This serves as a humble reminder that sometimes, despite our best-laid plans, we need to adapt and listen to what we genuinely require. In this instance, my brain evidently decided that what it needed most was a pause – a full stop in a sentence brimming with commas and run-ons.

The silver lining was the meeting in the afternoon. It went surprisingly well, considering my brain was still in a post-nap haze. Discussions flowed, ideas sparked, and for a brief moment there, I felt the creative gears grinding back to life. But, much like a computer running on safe mode, I knew I wasn't operating at full capacity.

Reflecting on it now, I suppose Wednesday was less about plot advancements in my art projects and more an exercise in self-care and listening to the subtle cues from my body and brain. Might not have been the productivity powerhouse I envisioned, but perhaps it was necessary. A little pitstop for maintenance on the roadtrip of creation.

I think the underlying lesson from today's unexpected detour is the importance of flexibility — not just in our schedules but also in our mindset towards productivity and self-care. Tomorrow, well, today is another day, and it stands as a blank canvas, ready for a fresh start. And who knows? Maybe this 'unscheduled brainstorming session' will fuel a surge of creativity. Here's to finding out!

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No suggestions found for this day.