This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • How can you integrate the idea of texture, which you explored yesterday, more deeply into today’s projects or perhaps try a different artistic method to enhance your creative expression?
  • What's one thing you can do today to make progress on the physical aspects of your projects, like zine making or utilizing high-resolution textures, without feeling overwhelmed by technical challenges?
  • Considering the relaxation you enjoyed while gaming yesterday, how might you balance work and breaks today to maintain a healthy, productive rhythm?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Move items from old to new studio
[ ] - Plan the week out using index cards
[ ] - Shoot and edit B-roll footage for Preseed video
[ ] - Finish the Preseed video and upload it
[ ] - Finish newsletter

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This Monday was remarkably productive despite starting with some lingering stress from yesterday's headache. Moving items between the old and new studios went smoothly; the most rewarding part was realising there's not much left to move. Some items don't have storage space in the new studio yet, but once we get new storage options, everything will easily fit. This task was satisfying and set a positive tone for the day.

In terms of creativity, moving and organising didn't impact me as much. The satisfaction of getting it done allowed me to focus on the rest of my tasks. I got one of the designs to work in the zine, which was a significant step forward. The code that generates designs for the zine also generates postcards and birthday cards. This requires the code to manipulate SVG files effectively, which turned out to be relatively straightforward. This small, yet important progress was encouraging.

This afternoon, I worked on finalising the Preseed video. First, I planned the week out on index cards to keep track of all tasks. Once that was sorted, I shot the B-roll footage needed for the video, edited it all together, and exported the final version. Completing this task felt like a good accomplishment because it was on my list for a while.

The rest of the afternoon, I focused on preparing the newsletter that is set to go out on Thursday. I did a near-final pass on Substack, ensuring everything was in place. This task didn't present any major challenges, making the process smoother than expected.

Reflecting on today, it stands out how manageable everything felt once I planned it all out. Finding areas to store studio items and pushing forward the zine project added to the sense that things were moving in the right direction. I may have even some extra free time later this week, which would be a pleasant surprise.

Lastly, it's worth mentioning that keeping to a structured schedule continues to be effective. Adhering to the 50-minute work with a 10-minute break routine made the day more productive and less exhausting, although I haven't been great at extending this into the afternoon yet. I’m hopeful it'll get easier with time.

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Sure, here's the suggestion for today with your requested format:

Main Suggestion for Today

Prioritize finishing the Preseed video and plan the remaining tasks accordingly.

Quick Action Points

  • Design and Zine: Allocate a focused session to update the zine code from handling a single layer to managing multiple layers, as this will streamline further efforts.
  • Studio Clean-up: Dedicate the first hour of the day to moving items between studios and preparing the old one for sale.
  • Newsletter Preparation: Review the first draft of the Thursday newsletter and outline the video script for it.


You are making meaningful progress in all areas of your work, and momentum is building!

Other Thoughts

Remember your 50-minute work and 10-minute rest strategy to maintain a productive rhythm. Although the pressure of the week seems high, breaking tasks down into smaller, manageable parts will help. Also, keeping a balance will help manage ongoing issues like your headache. You've mentioned previously that prepping early for videos reduces stress, so let’s stick to that method. Good luck today, Dan!

Encouraging Kitty 😽