This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one creative experiment or small adjustment you can try in your work today that you haven't explored this week?
  • Is there a particular project or piece you're excited to work on today?
  • How can you make today better than yesterday in terms of managing the uncertainties of your schedule while maintaining creativity in your work?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Head to Wolverhampton and pay check into the bank
[ ] - Write short bio and talk description, find headshot
[ ] - Create invoice using Affinity Design
[ ] - Send bio, headshot, and invoice via email
[ ] - Clean up the essay if there's still time

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Today feels more settled, which is a relief. The unknowns from earlier in the week have mostly resolved. I've a bunch of tasks lined up, a bit out of the ordinary, but nothing too daunting.

First off, I took the train to Wolverhampton. Paying a cheque into a bank that's miles away has a certain adventure feel to it. I also wrote a letter today – real, proper snail mail. It felt good to engage in that old-school activity amidst the digital chaos.

Upon returning, my immediate tasks were to create a short bio and description for an upcoming talk. Finding a headshot and emailing that off didn’t take long. Crossing those off my list gave me a small sense of accomplishment. Writing the invoice was next. Usually, I use Adobe InDesign, but since ditching Adobe, I tackled Affinity Publisher for the first time. It was surprisingly straightforward, even though I had to poke around a bit for some layout options. In the end, I got it done and exported as a PDF – all good.

It struck me that today, despite being packed, felt more manageable. Possibly because today had no uncertainties. Each task was laid out and ready to be crossed off, removing any guesswork from my day.

An unexpected realisation crept in: having a series of smaller, hour-long tasks makes the day seem faster and more productive, assuming none of them become frustrating, which fortunately none did today. There's also a peculiar comfort in using a new software package successfully on the first try. Affinity Publisher didn’t break my flow, and I stayed hydrated and kept cool, which is not a small thing given the surprising heat.

As the day winds down, I can’t help but reflect on the heat in the studio. Despite drinking plenty of water, I’m knackered. So, I'm heading home, leaving the laptop untouched for the evening. The first few days of the week were the most stressful. Only the newsletter and week notes remain on the agenda, promising a quieter end to the week. Feeling pretty good about things right now.

In a nutshell, today has been about checking off tasks and finding a rhythm amidst a variety of small but important jobs. It’s comforting to know that the train to Wolverhampton led to this sense of structure and completion. Here’s to more days like this.

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Main Suggestion for Today

Focus on Efficient Time Management to Handle Both Errands and Writing Tasks

Given today's schedule, create a clear plan to handle the necessary errands and writing tasks effectively. Prioritize essential activities and utilize any available breaks efficiently to maximize productivity.

Action Points

  • Plan Your Morning Commute Efficiently: Ensure you have clear directions to the bank in Wolverhampton to save time and reduce stress.
  • Utilize Affinity Design: Spend some initial time familiarizing yourself with Affinity Design to create the invoice swiftly, utilizing online tutorials if needed for quicker adaptation.
  • Streamline Your Writing Tasks: Set clear, time-bound goals for writing your bio, headshot description, and invoice to keep your focus sharp and increase productivity.


You have the skills and determination to manage today’s tasks efficiently. Every step forward is a step towards success.

Other Thoughts

  • Remember, it's okay to break tasks over multiple days, especially when learning new software. Give yourself grace during this transition.
  • Keep hydration in mind and take short breaks to stay refreshed and focused throughout the day.

Normal Kitty 😺