At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.

The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.


Today was a good one, spent mostly diving into the wonderful world of glue, scissors, and magazine clippings. Since it’s the first of June, I delved into creating the June start page for my journal. It felt oddly therapeutic to cut out images and glue them onto the page. Spreading out on the table, with bits and pieces all around, genuinely brought a smile to my face. I guess it’s back to basics but with a creative twist. Instead of working on code, I chose to spend my morning doing this. Not a single regret about that decision.

Afterwards, I thought I might start on the handwriting server backend, but let’s be real, 4 PM isn’t the best time to dive into coding. Instead, I opted for some relaxation. I realised it’s better to tackle the technical stuff when I can give it my full attention. So, I pushed it to tomorrow, or maybe Monday. No rush. Weekends are for decompressing, after all.

Fetched a couple of books from the new studio. They are in an essay format with different artists discussing their process and work. I didn’t get around to reading them today, but they’ll be handy. Need to write an essay on generative art soon, and I want to match the tone and pacing found in these books. I’ll probably dive into them tomorrow, see if their tone strikes a chord with mine.

In between, managed to squeeze in a lovely walk. Found a quaint little park and stumbled across the Weir Café. It’s right by a farm, so I got to see some geese, turkeys, and goats. Sat down with my drink, surrounded by greenery and the gentle sound of the river. It was a nice change of pace, and quite peaceful.

The highlight, undoubtedly, was the journaling. There’s something cheerily satisfying about turning a blank page into a collage of random inspirations. It’s like adult cut-and-paste therapy. It kept me fully engaged and away from the digital screens for a bit. Not sure it sparked any unexpected creativity, but it definitely kept the mood light.

All in all, it felt like a fulfilling day even if I didn’t touch any backend code. Sometimes, the mind needs a break from the digital complexities to reset and recharge. I’m looking forward to maybe diving into some reading tomorrow and perhaps doing a wee bit of coding. Weekends are for catching up on some personal projects and leisure, and today felt like a step in the right direction.

And that’s that. A good mix of creativity, a bit of outdoor exploration, and some relaxation. Ready to see what tomorrow brings!

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