(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.
The content below is generated by AI.
Main Suggestion for the Day
Focus on incorporating meditation into your evening routine to foster relaxation and mindfulness, helping you unwind from the day's activities and set a peaceful tone for restful sleep.
Action Points
- Create a Calm Space: Arrange the upstairs room to be your dedicated meditation spot. Use headphones for a calming atmosphere, integrating this step into your schedule consistently going forward.
- Experiment with Code: Draft a basic script today to simplify importing hand-drawn files and produce the SVG formats you regularly work with. This will aid future creative projects, incrementally building on past experiences.
- Visit the Recycling Centre: Complete your first run to the tip at around 9:30 am, efficiently dropping off and sorting the items destined for recycling, donation, or disposal, freeing space for further organizing at home.
Embrace the small steps of the day with gratitude and curiosity, knowing that each action contributes to a greater sense of wellbeing and creative joy.
Other Thoughts
Considering your ongoing objective to sort both your workspace at home and the studio, maintain a steady pace. Each small action reflects growth in decluttering your environment and mind, aligning with past intentions of doing little bits each day. As always, be gentle with yourself amidst the busyness of daily life.
Sincere Kitty 😺