(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.
The content below is generated by AI.
Main Suggestion for the Day: Focus on decluttering and organizing your workspace and home environments to foster clarity and readiness for the upcoming weeks. Action Points:
- Dedicate an hour or so to sort through the bread bin on your desk, find a suitable storage solution for the essentials, and clear away non-essentials (perhaps using the empty box you've spotted on the bookshelf).
- Allocate a couple of hours to make progress on reorganizing the downstairs room—aim to complete part of the 80% you mentioned, perhaps by strategically rearranging some furniture to access the storage solutions being prepared.
- Take time this evening to relax with your E-ink tablet, allowing space for creative doodling and sketching as a mindful way to unwind. Affirmation: "I am creating space for creativity and calm by decluttering my environments and prioritizing my wellness." Additional Thoughts: Your focus on taking small, manageable steps daily is really paying off! 😊 You've already acknowledged the 80-20 principle and understood the value of gradually chipping away at larger tasks, like sorting and organizing. Also, these organizing efforts will hopefully spark new inspiration for next week's projects, and your generative art pursuits. Have fun with the process!
Cheerful Kitty 😸