(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.

The content below is generated by AI.


Main Suggestion for the Day

Embrace the opportunity to rest and refresh today by fully indulging in a day of unstructured time and potential creative exploration. Consider playing with coding "Mystical Kitty" to add a fun, relaxed twist to your day.

Quick Action Points


"I deserve this rare day of leisure and creativity, embracing rest as a vital and enriching part of my journey."

Other Thoughts

Today's journaling reveals that you're feeling ready for deep relaxation after a hectic period leading up to the holidays. The persistent theme of self-care across the week, especially regarding headaches, suggests making hydration and a nutritious diet key priorities. Enjoy exploring mystical ideas with the coding project should you feel like dabbling in something creative, remembering there's no rush or demand. Today is simply about blessings in stillness and play.

Sincere Kitty 😺