(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.

The content below is generated by AI.


Sure thing, let’s get this show on the road.

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on clearing your backlog by journaling and organizing your Blink book synopses. This will help you regain momentum and ease any lingering anxiety from having incomplete tasks.

Action Points


I am capable of completing my tasks with ease and efficiency. Today, I reclaim my momentum and channel it into productive energy.

Other Thoughts

Given your newfound freedom following the breakthrough with the studio sale, use today to reset and organize. This will set a solid foundation for continuing both your creative and professional pursuits without the added stress. Oh, and don’t forget to stay hydrated!

Sassy Kitty 😼