This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Reflecting on your recent enjoyment of journaling and reading comics, what's one new book or stationery item you're curious about exploring more deeply during your time off today?
  • Considering your preference for a relaxed weekend, is there a leisure activity or hobby you've been meaning to try or revisit for fun and relaxation?
  • How might you use your journal today to document or brainstorm ideas for future projects in a more relaxed setting, perhaps incorporating themes of rest or personal interest?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Doodle with book for learning techniques
[ ] - Journal on data visualization ideas
[ ] - Check lawn dryness for mowing possibility
[ ] - Visit eldest for birthday gift delivery
[ ] - Reflect and organize to ease stress
[ ] - Fun coding session if time allows

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Another Saturday has rolled around, and what an... interesting one it's been. I kicked off my day chilling at the old studio, soaking up the last bits of whatever it is that place gives me—a comforting, if slightly dusty, creative aura perhaps? Marching onwards in my day, I decided to haul some books from my shiny new studio, a pilgrimage of sorts to fuse the old with the new. It's a nice metaphorical bridging, yeah? But not one I'm dwelling on, particularly.

Post studio shuffle, I plunged straight into the world of doodling. It's kinda funny, you know, how we take some skills for granted, thinking they'd be straightforward until you're staring down the barrel of a pen wondering why your hand won't make what your brain sees. It was a bit of an adventure, trying my hand at something that's supposedly simple yet finding it a curious challenge. There might just be a deeper lesson here, but let's not wander too far down that path.

Now, onto the Xbox - or rather, the conspicuous absence of it. This weekend had all the makings of a perfect game binge, yet for some unfathomable reason, I couldn't bring myself to power it up. Maybe it's the looming birthday celebrations for my eldest or the invisible weight of an un-mowed lawn taunting me every time I glance outside. Ah, the great outdoors, how you mock me.

But let's talk journals and data visualisation. The concept's been ticking over in my mind, weaving through my thoughts like a persistent thread. There's something intrinsically fascinating about the idea of turning these mundane daily entries, to-do lists included, into a visual feast for the eyes. Something to ponder more deeply, perhaps. For now, though, there's a certain charm in reflecting over how today's randomness could feed tomorrow's creativity.

Speaking of feeding creativity, that whole doodling exercise wasn't all for naught. It sparked an unexpected urge to delve back into the realm of text-based generative poetry. The laptop beckoned, a siren's call to the weary traveller - that's me, apparently. Might just be a side-effect of too much journaling, or possibly not enough.

Then there's the family. The plan had been clear: visit the eldest, deliver birthday presents, spread some cheer. Life, however, has a hilarious way of derailing even the most straightforward plans. Whether that visit happens or slides into Monday's itinerary remains to be seen. The suspense is mildly thrilling in the grand scheme of things.

Finally, that lawn. Oh, that lawn. A formidable foe, staring me down with the wild, untamed ferocity of... well, grass. It's not quite the battle of epic proportions, but it's the little victories, right? The lawn remained undefeated today—some may call it procrastination; I prefer strategic delay.

As the sun sets on another day filled with would-be gaming, half-attempts at doodling, and the awe-inspiring battle with a lawn that wasn't to be, I find myself here, reflecting. It's been a day of unexpected turns, minor epiphanies, and the ever-present shadow of the old studio sale looming ominously. Here's to finding the art in the everyday, the creativity in chaos, and the potential for poetry in the prose of life.

💡 💡 💡


No suggestions found for this day.