This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Reflecting on your recent script writing and the complex math for the lighting project, what's one thing you could do today that would make you feel particularly accomplished by the end of it?
  • Considering your interest in exploring new avenues and challenges, what's one creative or technical skill you're curious to learn more about or improve upon today?
  • How might integrating playful or experimental elements into today's tasks make them more enjoyable, and is there a specific project where you see this approach being particularly effective?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Update lighting cube diagram, three strips per wall
[ ] - Meeting with Jess about light project
[ ] - Align remaining letters in joint-up alphabet
[ ] - Hospital visit in the afternoon
[ ] - Play less on iPhone city builder game
[ ] - Try to find time for script writing

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Today, it turns out, was less about the big leaps and more about the small steps, if you catch my drift. Morning kicked off in a sort of productive hum, sitting down with Jess to chat about the light cube project. It's funny how a good conversation can sometimes untangle the knottiest of problems, and after some back and forth, we've landed on a decent plan regarding the lights per side.

This little win was much needed, especially since the rest of the day was shadowed by the looming hospital run. You'd think such out-of-studio excursions would offer a mental break, but they just end up throwing a spanner in the works. It's a mix of anticipation and the nagging thought of a day's rhythm disrupted.

The afternoon was supposed to be about getting those letters aligned – aa, bb, cc. You know, the whole alphabet in pairs, six versions of each. A simple, yet monstrously time-consuming task. It's a bit like trying to arrange a heard of cats into a regimented queue... Not that I managed to get through much, but there’s something oddly satisfying about it. A slow, steady progress kind of satisfying.

And then, of course, there’s the city builder game on my iPhone. A delightful little distraction that’s probably taking up more of my time than it deserves. It's somewhat of a guilty pleasure, I suppose. Lowering the stress while equally nibbling away at my productivity. It's an odd balance.

Reflecting on the day's conversation with Jess, it’s clear it's nudged the light cube project forward. It’s these moments, these bits of clarity, that remind me why collaborating is so essential. Even when the day seems swallowed by commitments and you’re left trying to claw back bits of time for your projects.

In a bizarre way, the alignment work on the letters and the casual city building in my game carved out a sort of Zen garden in the middle of a chaotic day. It wasn’t the day I had planned, but maybe it was the day I needed. A slow, but relatively calm day.

So, here's to the little victories and the small steps forward. They might not always be the leaps of progress we hope for, but they're progress all the same. And sometimes, that’s enough to close the day on a positive note. Not every day can be a whirlwind of creativity and productivity, and perhaps, that's okay. It's the ebb and flow, the give and take of it all, that keeps things interesting.

💡 💡 💡


No suggestions found for this day.