This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Reflecting on your efforts with the handwriting code, is there a specific creative or technical challenge you'd like to address or explore further in your projects today?
  • Considering yesterday's focus on newsletters in the morning and your work in the old studio, how does engaging with these varied activities shape or influence your creative perspective as you move forward with today's tasks?
  • What's one new experiment or approach you're considering for your art that could push your creative boundaries or add a fresh perspective to your work today?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Import joined up handwriting from remarkable
[ ] - Split each page into cells for handwriting manager
[ ] - Work on scriptwriting in the afternoon
[ ] - Consider newsletter improvements for future planning
[ ] - Set aside time to refocus and regroup mentally

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Monday rolled around, and here I am, trying to wrestle with the code like it’s a beast that just won’t cooperate. Who would have thought that trying to merge the worlds of handwriting, programming, and art would be this complex? But, there’s a kind of magic to it, isn’t there? Working on the handwriting project, trying to get those joined-up letters behaving on screen – it’s a little like trying to persuade ink to flow in a new direction. A challenge, yes, but oh, the satisfaction when something clicks.

Morning saw me in a bit of a YouTube rabbit hole (shhh, our little secret), soaking up videos until it was time to dive into work. And then, my day unfolded in a mishmash of handwriting code tinkering instead of the scriptwriting I’d set out to do. You know how it goes, one thing leads to another, and suddenly the scriptwriting plan gets nudged off the table.

My morning started with grand plans – a visit to the old studio, then to the new, settling into some serious coding sessions. Only, the coding took over, luring me deeper into its labyrinth than expected. It’s fascinating, really, how a task can grow roots and anchor you to your spot until the sun starts to set.

At one point, caught up in the flow, I realised the afternoon had slipped by without a single word of the script written. There’s always a tinge of guilt when that happens, isn’t there? You set out to tackle A and B, only to find yourself meandering down a completely different path. But then, isn’t that the essence of creativity? Allowing yourself to be led by curiosity and seeing where it takes you?

Feeling a touch unfocused in the morning didn’t help. Despite a good night’s sleep, my brain felt like it was wading through treacle. Yet, somehow, delving into the handwriting project sharpened my focus - it’s intriguing how that happens.

Reflection's a big part of the process too. Sitting down at the end of the day, mulling over what’s been done (or not done), you realise it’s all part of the journey. The twists, the turns, the unexpected detours – they’re what keep the work interesting, challenging, and, ultimately, rewarding.

The trick, I suppose, is learning to ride the waves of creativity and productivity, knowing when to let one task consume your day and when to push back and redirect your focus. Tomorrow’s another day, another chance to juggle the ever-shifting priorities of a print artist’s life. And so, we continue, ever learning, ever evolving.

💡 💡 💡


No suggestions found for this day.