This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • How might you leverage your recent success with index cards in managing today's objectives to enhance creativity and productivity in your scripting process?
  • Considering the challenges you faced with the pen plotter servos, what's one way you can prepare for or mitigate such technical disruptions in your work today?
  • Reflecting on yesterday's energy levels, how do you plan to integrate breaks or moments of relaxation into today's schedule to maintain your focus and effectively manage your tasks?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Finish writing first video script
[ ] - Go for a lunchtime walk, shoot video
[ ] - Pre-edit weeknotes video, Monday to Thursday
[ ] - Continue with scripts for next couple of videos

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Started the morning off by filling in my journal for the last few days, plotting the to-do list, and generally setting up for the day ahead. It’s a kind of ritual that helps me reset and focus. You know, the calm before the storm of creativity that's about to hit. This morning's setup was a tad more contemplative because I'm still riding the high from my recent successes with index cards. They've been absolute game-changers for managing my objectives and somehow, they add that extra sprinkle of productivity to my scripting process. I wrote thoughts and points first on these little cards, then transformed them into a script draft. It’s just a smooth workflow that I plan to stick to.

Mid-morning found me diving deep into writing the script for "The Drawing Machine". There's something about the meat of the introduction to pen plotters scripts that's just inherently captivating. Perhaps it's the coder in me, or maybe the artist, or a mix of both. Whatever it is, it's a process that I find both challenging and rewarding. It feels like I'm piecing together a puzzle, where each piece is a line of code or a stroke of the pen plotter.

Afternoon was a shift in gears - I moved on to pre-editing the #Weeknotes video. With the wedding tomorrow, I'm trying to lighten the load for future me. It’s a bit like juggling, but instead of balls, it's video clips and scripts. You toss them up into the air in the hopes they'll come down in a more manageable order.

On the subject of juggling, today was not just about managing projects but also weaving in those all-important breaks. My walk at lunch was a refreshing pause. It’s my way of sneaking in a bit of relaxation amidst the chaos. Shot some video too, because why not kill two birds with one stone? It's weirdly therapeutic, chatting away to a camera in public. Turns out the more people there are around, the less conspicuous it feels.

Pre-editing the #Weeknotes video was a clever move, if I do say so myself. Thanks to my planning, tomorrow’s wedding won’t throw me off track too much. It's quite satisfying to find that balance between work commitments and personal life, especially when it involves celebrating love.

And through all this, the studio gradually warms up. Yet, here I am, still bundled up like it’s mid-winter, typing away. There’s a comfort in the warmth of extra layers, even if it’s starting to feel unnecessary. Switching from visual art to the written word is a bit odd for someone like me, but it's an interesting change.

The evening plans to include some screen-free time to wind down before the adventure that is attending a wedding. It’s funny how the anticipation for a day centered around love and commitment brings its own kind of calm before the excitement.

Let's see what tomorrow brings, shall we?

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No suggestions found for this day.