This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Reflecting on the satisfaction you've felt with recent organizational efforts in the studio, what's one small step you can take today to further enhance that environment, making it even more conducive to creativity?
  • Given the various creative and technical tasks you manage, what's one project or theme you're particularly excited to dive into today, and why does it intrigue you?
  • Considering the balance you've been striving for between work and relaxation, how do you plan to integrate a mindful or rejuvenating activity into your schedule today to maintain that harmony?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Sort failed pen plots into postcards or file
[ ] - Incorporate visual poetry work into routine
[ ] - Reshoot Tuesday's footage for Week Notes video
[ ] - Drop in Monday, Wednesday, Thursday's footage
[ ] - Finish setting up Week Notes video, add Friday's footage
[ ] - Journal at the end of the day

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Today was one of those days that felt like I was juggling feathers—kind of fun to watch, but a bit all over the place. Started off in the old studio, lingering amidst the ghosts of plots past, before trotting over to the new studio to tackle the #Weeknotes video. It's always a mix of excitement and dread, diving into video editing. Like opening a box of chocolates, but half of them are those questionable orange creams.

Getting settled in the new space, I had that fresh-start feeling. You know, when everything feels possible? That was me, about to embark on the #Weeknotes video journey. Dropped the footage into the timeline and felt like a director orchestrating scenes. But, cut to about an hour later, and you'd find me muttering to myself about missing clips and wonky transitions. Ah, the glamorous life of a contemporary print artist.

Then, putting my hat as an outdoor director on—because, why not wear multiple hats?—I ventured into the great unknown (a.k.a. outside) to capture some B-roll. Picture it: me, camera in hand, pretending I'm shooting the next big indie documentary. Except, it was more like a comedy sketch where the director forgets to press 'record'. Yep, did all that Shakespearean monologue stuff in beautiful scenery... to no one. The camera wasn't even rolling. Cue facepalm.

Even with that mishap, I did manage to squish some time in for a wander and a spot of lunch outside. It's good to remind myself there's a world beyond pixels and plots. Had that 'main character' moment in the park, with the sun playing its part perfectly.

Back in the studio, the final pass on the video beckoned. It's funny, how you can spend ages tweaking something that'll just zip by on someone's screen. Yet, we labour over it, because every second counts. Or so I tell myself, as I adjust the timing on a transition for the umpteenth time.

And did I touch upon that visual poetry idea? Not a jot. It's still there, buzzing in the back of my mind like a pesky but potentially brilliant fly. Hopefully, I'll swat at it later tonight.

The day wrapped up with an all too familiar dance of export and hope—hoping I hadn't accidentally spliced in a clip of my dubious 'talk to the hand' impression or something equally mortifying. With the week drawing to a close, I'm eyeing next week with a mix of anticipation and a dash of trepidation. The no-man's-land between 'have-to-do' tasks and 'want-to-do' whims is a tricky one to navigate. But hey, what's life without a bit of juggling, right?

💡 💡 💡


No suggestions found for this day.