This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Reflecting on recent creative and organizational achievements, what's one leisurely activity you are looking forward to today that could offer a new perspective or enrich your upcoming projects?
  • Considering the satisfaction you've derived from tangible outcomes like plotting audio-reactive pieces, what's a non-work related project or hobby you might explore today for a similar sense of accomplishment?
  • Given the ongoing challenge of managing stress, especially related to selling the old studio, what's one stress-relieving activity you plan to engage in today to help maintain balance and well-being?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Go for a quick drive with Nixie
[ ] - Help Nixie craft wedding message
[ ] - Cook meals for the day
[ ] - Complete household cleaning tasks
[ ] - Handle some admin tasks

📓 📓 📓


Saturday rolls around again, and you’d think it’d be all about kicking back, wouldn’t you? Well, not quite. Set myself up in the morning with a nice stint on Cyberpunk, which, quite frankly, felt like a rebellious little treat before the day's less thrilling to-dos made themselves known. There’s something quietly satisfying about ticking off those tasks, though. Cooking, cleaning, a bit of admin - all in a day’s work.

One might wonder, "What's an artist doing not touching his beloved pen plotter on a day off?" I’ll tell you - plotting of a different kind. Updating Kitty’s documentation so I don’t find myself in another pickle trying to remember how to use the obscure tools I coded into her. A little bit of tinkering and adding an image preview feature for tweets because, frankly, I don’t quite trust her not to go rogue on me with what she picks to post. It’s not that I don’t trust her intentions, more so my own coding sometimes.

Day rolled on, and plans to help Nixie with crafting a wedding message took a backseat. Instead, we found ourselves embarking on a spontaneous mini expedition to the butcher. Seems like our adventures are less 'saving virtual worlds' and more 'navigating the real one for the finest cuts of meat’. Can’t complain, a worthy quest in its own right.

Reflection, at the end of today, feels a bit like patting yourself on the back for running a marathon when all you did was a sprint. My ‘sprint’ involved setting the bar of expectation low - turns out, it’s a pretty good stress-reliever. You end up surprising yourself with how much more you get done when the pressure's off to climb Everest in a day.

Capped off the day with a tweak or two on Kitty, without whom I might actual risk turning productive weekends into a myth. It’s a bit of a puzzle, balancing creative work and the management side of things, but I like to think of it as a game. Each task is a level, and I’m slowly but surely racking up the high score.

Let’s see what tomorrow brings - more plans with Nixie, hopefully some of that wedding speech action and, yeah, another round of house chore hustle awaits. Keeping it real and keeping it light; that’s the motto for now.

The day's been another chapter in the 'Life of Dan', filled with the usual shenanigans, minor victories and the steady companionship of tech. Slowly but surely, we carve out bits of chaos into manageable pieces, plot our days and find joy in the minutiae. It’s no work of grandeur, but it’s genuine, it’s ours, and occasionally, it even feels like a bit of an adventure.

💡 💡 💡


No suggestions found for this day.