This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Given your recent walks and their positive impact on relaxation, how might incorporating a brief outdoor activity into your routine today enhance your creativity or work focus?
  • Reflecting on your efforts to avoid laptop strain and headaches, what's one adjustment you can make to your workspace or screen time today to improve your comfort and productivity?
  • Considering your interest in sketching within your journal, what's one specific technique or subject you'd like to experiment with today to further develop your skills in this area?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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No todo found for this day.

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Monday musings, and well, it's been a day of ticking boxes and scribbling down thoughts, quite literally. Started the morning by sending some code and thoughts Kitty's way—a bit like confiding in a digital friend who never tires of my rambles. There's something zen about seeing the past week laid out, like a map of where my head's been at.

Popped out early to grab a drink. The old studio's got charm but lacks a fridge and a good supply of water, a critical oversight. Then, it was time to wrestle the to-do list into some kind of order. It felt a lot like herding cats, if the cats were scrawled notes and half-formed ideas. Somehow, I managed to get them lined up, a small victory in the grand scheme of things.

Midday hit, and with it, the realisation that I'd been cooped up too long. The outside world beckoned, promising food and a stretch of the legs. There's something about stepping away from the screen that brings everything into sharper focus, even if it's just for a short while.

The afternoon was a dive into the Arts-Based Research script. Scribbling away, I found myself alternating between excitement at the subject and the writer's age-old foe: "Is this any good?" Only time will tell, I suppose.

There were moments today when the mundane met the creative—plotting postcards, hunting down a ghost (plot) in my archives, and wrestling with words for the script. Each task, no matter how small, felt like a piece in the larger puzzle of the day.

Reflecting on it all, it strikes me how life's rhythms—a mix of the planned and serendipitous—craft a day's narrative. The tasks that stretched longer than anticipated, the script that's still a diamond in the rough, they all add up to a life lived in pursuit of creation. And there's beauty in that, a kind of grace in the chaos.

Light mornings make it all the brighter, walking to and from work in daylight. They say it's the little things, and perhaps they're right. Here's to finding joy in the journey, and maybe, just maybe, mastering the art of life's to-do list.

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Main Suggestion for the Day:

Given Daniel's plan to incorporate a brief outdoor activity into his routine today to enhance creativity and work focus, alongside organizing his tasks and planning for the video script, a focused approach towards balancing indoor activities with outdoor refreshment seems pivotal.

Three Quick Action Bullet Points:

  • Schedule a specific time around midday for the outdoor walk, ensuring it aligns with Daniel's lunch break for a seamless transition from work to relaxation.
  • Begin the day by organizing the to-do list and assigning priority levels to tasks, focusing first on the artist's statement and the video script to ensure a productive use of morning hours.

- Incorporate a brief sketching session following the outdoor walk as a bridge between relaxation and returning to focused work, potentially leveraging the fresh perspective gained from the walk.


"Today's integration of creativity, planning, and wellness paves the way for a productive and balanced day. Every step taken outside is a step towards enhanced focus and artistic exploration."

Additional Thoughts: It's great to see Daniel's enthusiasm for the light mornings and his eagerness to tackle both creative and organizational tasks today. The thoughtful planning and scheduling, combined with a commitment to addressing physical comfort and eye strain, reflect a well-rounded approach to both personal well-being and professional development. Remember, engaging with the real world enhances our connection to our work and ourselves.

Normal Kitty 😺