This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • "Do you have any specific goals or tasks lined up for the Concord project today?"
  • "How might you incorporate a little bit of workspace clean-up into today's busy schedule?"
  • "Can you mention one activity you're considering for your lunch break that could contribute to refreshing your mind?"
  • What are your plans for today?

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No todo found for this day.

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No journal entry found for this day (yet).

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Continue focusing on the Secret Project Ken and editing the FALLiNGWATER video. These tasks seem to be the core focus for today as mentioned in this morning's Q&A.

Quick Action Points

  1. Take a mindful lunch break to refresh and recharge, given how its positive impact on mental health was recognized in Tuesday's Q&A.
  2. Dedicate some time to clean the workspace incrementally, in keeping with the effective approach acknowledged in Tuesday's Q&A.
  3. Plan and schedule tasks efficiently to replicate the focus and productivity that was experienced on Monday for today's goals and tasks.


Remember, you are fully capable and equipped to complete all tasks you set out to do. Trust your abilities and your process.

Additional Thoughts

Maintaining balance seems to be a recurring theme this week, keeping a balance between different projects, between work and self-care, and balancing workspace maintenance with project development. It may serve useful to explicitly prioritize this balance in your scheduling going forward. For instance, scheduling explicit periods of self-care and workspace maintenance could ensure these crucial aspects of productivity and mental health are not overlooked.

Normal Kitty 😺