At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.

The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.


Monday rolled around again, and what a start to the week it's been, meticulously plotting birthday cards and playing around on Kitty, my trusty plotter. There's something quite therapeutic about watching those pens glide over paper, crafting something personal for someone's special day. It's not every day you get to test run your own code for such a heartwarming task. I've only sent one plotted birthday card before, so getting three prepped and ready to whisk away across the pond feels like an achievement. I do love a good stationery moment.

Then there was this small 'adventure' into website tinkering. “Adding a couple more pages to the revdancatt website” sounds more like a daytime TV show about coding rather than my morning's work. Nonetheless, it was somewhat satisfying, adding those missing parent pages to ensure no dead ends on my site. It's not often I go into web admin mode, but when I do, I like to think of it as a mini digital expedition—sans machete but armed with plenty of patience.

Lunch was an eagerly anticipated event. Stopping for lunch at nearly 1 pm felt like a milestone after a morning spent in a flurry of creativity and code. That break, albeit simple, was a much-needed pit stop on my journey through the day's to-do list.

The reading during breaks remains a small island of calm in the storm of productivity. There’s something about the contrast of printed words against the backdrop of pen plotting that keeps the brain ticking in all the right ways. Mind you, this pen plotter's whirring and occasional paper shuffle soundtrack isn't the worst office mate I've ever had. Quite the contrary, it's rather companionable in a "we're in this together, buddy" kind of way.

Taking a moment to reflect, the idea of simplicity and focus this week is playing out well. There's a bunch on my plate, as usual, but taking things one step, or plot, at a time is proving effective. Despite the looming hospital visit, I'm managing to keep the creative engine running, prioritising tasks without getting too bogged down.

As the day wrapped up earlier than usual, I found a certain peace in acknowledging that not every box was ticked off, but progress was made. The script remains untouched, but it’s a task for tomorrow, and that's perfectly fine. Keeping expectations fluid is key, especially in a week brimming with unpredictability.

Sitting back, the day was a blend of tech, art, and a bit of digital housekeeping—not your typical Monday, but then again, what's typical in this studio? Always aiming for a balance between productivity and rest, today was a solid step in that continuous dance.

Here's to the week ahead, may it be filled with plotted lines, coding quirks and those small moments of joy found in the everyday routine.

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