You must have javascript installed for this tool to work.
Hey there. Sorry to say this tool will only work on desk and laptops. The code uses a lot of processing, and is
designed to export an SVG file for use with a penplotter.
Thanks for clicking through to view the tool, I hope you take a moment to visit it later when you have some time.
You can go back to the Pen plotter page, or to my own homepage.
'removeHidden' mode will thrash your CPU, take ages, and may crash the browser. Start
values low, work up.
Scaling ratios
(1-up): 4.0000
(1-up): 2.0000
(1-up): 1.0000
(2-up): 0.7071
(4-up): 0.5000
(8-up): 0.3536
(16-up): 0.2500
(32-up): 0.1768
(64-up): 0.1250
(4-up): 0.5000
(1-up): 0.3333
(1-up): 0.3333
(1-up): 0.5000
(1-up): 3.0000
So if 100 lines looks
good as 1-up set it
to 70 at 2-up 50 at
4-up, and 35 at 8-up