(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.
The content below is generated by AI.
Main Suggestion for the Day:
Spin up a basic Python and Flask web app to serve as the foundation for a multi-user version of Kitty.
Quick Action Points:
- Focus on Progress: Allocate an hour or two this morning to edit and finalize the weeknotes video, ensuring it adheres to your desired style and narrative.
- Address Pending Tasks: Make a call to the hotel to confirm your booking, as payment issues need addressing to prevent being in limbo.
- Take Mindful Breaks: Schedule a short stroll to a stationery store during lunch to recharge mentally, as it aligns with your interests.
You're capable of achieving your goals today with focus and dedication, even amidst challenges. You're making continual progress.
Other Thoughts:
Today's warmer temperatures can positively impact your productivity in both creative and coding tasks. Utilizing this advantage, you can further cultivate your skills, such as experimenting with creating web apps or handling Python code. Lastly, remember to extend gratitude towards those positive interactions and warm provisions that support you in your endeavours, as expressed in the gratitude reflections.
Normal Kitty 😺