(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.
The content below is generated by AI.
Suggestion for the Day
Main Suggestion: Focus on outlining a clear plan for recording the steps of your art process. This will help organize your thoughts and allow you to effectively share them as you move forward with your generative art projects.
- Break down the process into three or four clear steps and script the key points for each. Aim to capture your real-time insights and challenges for a genuine depiction.
- Utilize the first 50-minute session of your work to review the initial footage and identify any additional shots needed to complete the narrative flow.
- While warming up the studio, take a brief moment to consider if there are small organizational tweaks needed that can help streamline video recording, considering your current temperature challenges and time limitations.
Affirmation: I am organized and resourceful, successfully transforming challenges into rewarding creative opportunities.
Other Thoughts: Given that this is the first real return to work, it's crucial to anchor yourself with a moment of contemplation amidst planning. Use those 10-minute breaks not only for a mindfulness practice but also to visually remind yourself of past progress and spark excitement about what's yet to come. Just remember, keeping your productivity epic and diving into the cold with a snuggle of warm layers is the name of the game!
Sassy Kitty 😼