(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.
The content below is generated by AI.
Main Suggestion for Today
Focus on enjoying the holiday spirit while putting finishing touches on the newsletter and outlining the video script. This will help clear your schedule and let you focus on family time tomorrow.
- 🕮 Outline the video script: Take a few minutes this evening to develop a skeleton script for tomorrow's studio session. It'll make your recording a breeze!
- 📧 Complete the newsletter: Tackle the bulk of the newsletter this morning before everyone wakes up, allowing for a relaxed day.
- 🎮 Embrace relaxation through gaming: Once tasks are done, unwind with some games to recharge and have a little fun.
I am capable of balancing productivity with relaxation, ensuring a joyful and peaceful holiday season. 🎄✨
Other Thoughts
Given your efforts in setting up systems like "Mystic Kitty" and your desire to merge various art forms, remember not to stress over the goal of perfection. Christmas is a time for joy and connection, so embrace moments with family, festive lights, and good food! You got this, Daniel!
Cheerful Kitty 😸