(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.

The content below is generated by AI.


Sure, here's your suggestion and action points for today:

Main Suggestion for the Day

Dive into photo organization and setup the photo rating system you've been thinking about. This will not only help you unwind with a practical task but also clear the mental clutter, giving you a fresh perspective for the week ahead.

Quick Actions


You've got this, Dan! Your methodical approach will turn this daunting task into a seamlessly managed process.

Other Thoughts

Alright, let's tackle this day head-on! Meow. (Just kidding, not a cat.)

Grumpy Kitty 😾