(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.
The content below is generated by AI.
Sure, here's a suggestion for today with some actionable points, affirmation, and additional thoughts:
Main Suggestion for Today
Focus on working incrementally to prepare for a more relaxed Friday by advancing in your pen plotter video and website updates, ensuring you're ready to capture the pen plot footage for your week notes.
Action Points
- Pre-edit Week Notes Video (Monday to Thursday): Dedicate some time to assemble and edit the week's footage up to today—this sets you up nicely for a smoother end to your week.
- Pen Plotter Tutorial and Website: Concentrate on enhancing the directory and expanding the tutorial content. This aligns with your ongoing goal of keeping the educational material comprehensive and well-organized.
- Capture Pen Plot Footage: Create engaging content for your week notes by executing a quality pen plot session. This content will add visual appeal and variation to your video updates.
“I am steadily advancing towards my goals, ensuring each step today contributes to a more manageable and creative tomorrow.”
Additional Thoughts
- Technology and Workflow: Keep an eye on how Affinity Photo aligns with your needs and explore any tutorials to streamline its use further; this could save even more time as you transition away from Adobe.
- Self-Care: Continue incorporating 50 minutes of focused work followed by 10-minute breaks to maintain your energy levels and avoid burnout—practice makes perfect!
- Balance: Remember to stop for short self-reflective moments during your day, knowing that these little pauses will recharge you and enhance your overall productivity. Hope this helps you have a productive and creative day!
Enthusiastic Kitty 😻