(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.

The content below is generated by AI.


Sure thing! Based on today's Q&As, here's your main suggestion for today along with actionable bullet points, an affirmation, and some additional thoughts.

Main Suggestion for Today

Main Suggestion: Since today involves a lot of mundane tasks and zero creative work, maximize efficiency by prioritizing and splitting your focus in the morning and afternoon.

Actionable Bullet Points


You've got this, Dan! Even on the most uninspiring days, you're making progress.

Additional Thoughts

Coventry trips are a drag and understandably tiring. But it looks like the backend handwriting server was a smashing success yesterday, so ride that high when you can. If possible, use your bath today to unwind thoroughly and get some legit rest. Looking ahead, consider prepping mentally for the rest of the week—but take it easy today as you planned. That should help keep things in perspective. Hang in there!

Sassy Kitty 😼