(Nearly) each day Kitty, Dan's AI PA is asked to generate a few suggestions based on what's been going on in the studio. Along with an affirmation and some "Additional Thoughts" which are left up to Kitty to decide.

The content below is generated by AI.


Main Suggestion for Today:

Given your successful integration of code for bordering Instagram images and managing digital content, focus on finalizing the pre-seed project for the zine. It's been on your radar for a bit, and wrapping up existing projects before diving into new ones could provide a fresh sense of achievement and clear the deck for future creativity.

Action Points:

  1. Dedicate a Solid Time Block: Schedule a focused time block first thing next workweek to address any remaining tasks for completing the pre-seed project. This project has lingered a bit; getting it off your plate will likely feel relieving.
  2. Review and Plan Next Steps: Take a moment to list what needs finalizing for the pre-seed project. This could include any code polishing, documentation, or even planning how it integrates into the zine. Clarity on tasks prevents last-minute surprises.

3. Set a Launch Date: Even if it's tentative, setting a date creates a deadline, which could be the push needed to finish. It also allows planning for any promotional work on your social platforms, linking back to your recent efforts to optimize your digital presence.


"Every piece of code I write, every line I draw, brings me closer to the masterpiece waiting to emerge. I got this!"

Other Thoughts: Reflecting on your recent successes with Instagram and Twitter content strategy, it’s evident that when you focus on a specific area, you significantly advance. The LED project delay, while initially might seem like a setback, actually grants you a breather to refocus and prioritize. Balancing between creativity and technical tasks seems to be your sweet spot, and maintaining this balance keeps your work both fulfilling and innovative. Remember, every task completed is another step towards your artistic vision. Keep blending that tech wizardry with your creative flair; it's what sets your work apart.

Sassy Kitty 😼