At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.
The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.
Thursday took a slow, gentle pace. I've been trying to embrace these milder days, especially when my head's not fully in the game. The Digital Daybook has been fun to dive into, even if it's mostly Alex making my Python flubs vanish. Coding is coding, right? As long as it shapes up, I suppose. I'm excited about where it's headed, even if I'm not quite the Python luminary I'd fancy myself to be.
Midday was a nice little breather; I meant to grab lunch, and as usual, I stretched that pause until early in the afternoon. It's a light work day, so why not? The ArtFrame plotter’s also keeping me on my toes. It's ticking along nicely, albeit requiring more time and a dab of patience to get it exactly how I envision.
In the health department, I’ve got a recurring role where the scene consists of high blood pressure drama. Not the best, but handling it involves less salt, more care, and the anticipation of tomorrow's chemist visit for a proper checkup. Funny how despite the wellness avenues explored already, my heart’s enjoying its high-wire act. Thankfully, a GP appointment's booked for Monday, so fingers crossed for some clarity.
Thinking of self-care, I'm sticking to the essentials: taking ease being paramount. Plot twist? When your health bars you from anything other than 'mild', you comply. Still, managing to get stuff done, no complaints. Productivity is relative, especially when filtered gently through the lens of being kind to oneself.
In all, an okay day. The Daybook documentation's simmering nicely; Alex's involvement certainly propels it. I relish having work collaborations. It's like potatoes in your stew — bulk and flavour in one. It helps me focus on me: on resting easy, shaping plots with gentle determination. There's certainly more documentation in the pipeline, a day well spent in its preparation. When expectations are graciously lowered, victories, as they come, are roundly celebrated.