At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.
The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.
Oh boy, another brisk Thursday! I kicked off the day with a tiny victory – I managed to roll out the newsletter. Chalk that up to a hefty dose of morning productivity mixed with a sprinkle of creative urgency. I decided to keep it short and sweet, rather like cutting through the clutter to the shine beneath [Thanks for the moral support Kitty]. My trusty Weeknotes also got a good polish too before the rush of work hours swept me away.
Tackling the new Python code base proved to be a mild beast – as anticipated, it slightly gnawed at my nerves. Particularly, as always, when faced with those damned git commits. Git just loves to have me in a tizzy, but oh well, we soldier on! I must say, though, Python’s like a Swiss Army knife – jam-packed with tools waiting to be discovered.
In the studio, the temperature battle rages on. Layers are my best friends these days, accompanied by warm drinks. I toyed with Cherry Sodastream hot syrup, and it’s growing on me, but there’s always that lingering suspicion it might be too much of a good thing. Today, as the minutes ticked to the end, the chill started to win, yet warm layers were the knights in my chilly battlefield.
Three things I’m grateful for today? Let me see... First up, my layers of warm armour. Then, my hot drinks arsenal deserves a mention. Friends and co-workers round out the trio – feels great to have folks I can rely on.
Reflecting on the creative side, the code work did present its fair share of challenges. But isn’t a challenge just a chance in work clothes? Ultimately, getting to grips with new coding conventions is easing me along the Python learning curve. Slight curve, mind you.
Tomorrow, it might get a degree colder. That’s nature just having a bit of fun with us, isn’t it? Until then, I think I’ve earned a snug evening at home – hopefully, not too much cooking is needed. Cheers to another day in the bag, with all its ups and tiny bets won!