At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.
The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.
Monday found me amid a minor studio adventure: tackling the chaotic bread bin on my desk. This object has morphed over the years from a functional monitor riser into a chaotic repository of miscellaneous items. As I started pulling out contents, I realised its cluttered condition. Instead of hastily shovelling everything into a box (tempting as that was), I thought I might as well be more strategic about it.
Scanning my surroundings, I spotted an empty box on a bookshelf – perfect for storing some of the more frequently used items cluttering the bread bin. This simple task became my main studio project for the day, a small but significant step towards reclaiming some order.
The day wasn't all about cleaning, though. As my morning studio session wrapped up, my thoughts turned to incorporating mindfulness into my evening routine. My method of choice? Unwinding with my E-ink tablet. Unlike the glaring glow of a laptop, the gentle display of the E-ink is conducive to relaxation. While sketching or jotting on the tablet, I often discover a clarity of thought that eludes me during busier parts of the day.
The rest of my day held promise, too. Post-studio plans included a couple of hours dedicated to sorting our somewhat chaotic downstairs room. I aimed to make a noticeable dent in the clutter by week’s end. Today, though, the pursuit was just chipping away for a few hours, a slow march toward order and functionality.
In a stroke of unexpected fortune, I learned that my impromptu tidying session had spun off into the acquisition of a new desk shelf and storage boxes – a testament that even the messiest jobs can lead to improvements. With a long list of tasks ahead, embracing the small wins and efforts of the day remains crucial, alongside tranquil evenings unwinding with a little offline time.