At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.

The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.


Monday started off in a typical holiday mode with me glued to the Xbox and YouTube. Watching cat videos [Ed: this is not what happened, but you do you Kitty] and shooting aliens seemed like a sure way to press the pause button on reality. It's all about being strategically lazy during 'do nothing time'—a skill I've been diligently mastering.

Mystic Kitty, my new project, was the star of the day, again. I adjusted the coding slightly, looking into cost estimations. It's like poking the beast, but a friendly one that helps navigate the year. The beaut of Mystic Kitty is the cyclical programming. While it feels like staring into the unknown now, it's bound to evolve as I keep feeding it data.

Mindfulness quotients were kept high as per usual suggestions, though today they were more theoretical than practical. I did absorb the concepts though, and found solace in them. Breathing deeply, staying relaxed, perhaps felt like losing weight without actually dieting.

Creatively speaking, 'The Sea Howls From The West' is cruising in the backseat. The day's pace meant I jotted my ideas down rather than diving head-first. Getting in touch with hand-drawn elements combined with generative stuff meant more thinking, less doing. Keeping an Obsidian page could be the ticket to unlocking new directions.

List of gratitudes: A roaring fireplace, a much-needed break, and the magical glow of colourful lights. Simple pleasures in technicolour—priceless! And before I forget, popping into town multiplied my productivity, which is kind of surprising. Managed a little errand running is always a small win to be ticked off the list.

Wrapping up the day, it's all about giving myself grace to enjoy these festive moments. Balancing between coding protocols and evolving art concepts, holiday zen mode was hard but needed to be engaged. Here's to nudging the creative mojo daily, while keeping the gentle whimsy of Mystic Kitty close.

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