At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.

The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.


Monday is finally wrapping up, and I've just spent the evening reflecting on the workday, gearing up to have a go with the iPad and delve into Procreate once everyone's been fed, and possibly that book I've been trying to read. Honestly, it's almost embarrassingly exciting to think about just sitting and doodling away, letting my ideas flow into something that might be actual work and casually forming little creative bursts of inspiration from this new gadget.

Organising my day seemed to be all about straightening out the admin chaos, and untangling my 'git committee' mess stands out as one of those puzzle-solving tasks I actually somewhat enjoy. Maybe I've made some progress on the gallery code too, which is a step in the right direction. There’s something so satisfying about unpicking these digital messes. Quite frankly, it's like decluttering the mind through the keyboard - a sneaky metaphor slipped in there, oh no!

Right in the centre of it all, the promised descension of stress from last week's studio sale is just now settling in; not sure if it's the leftover adrenaline, but it’s still a bit of a murky muck of stress. Yet paying off those little debts and clearing out the backloglike a window cleaner's bill - feels like a victory, even if it's against the most mundane of dragons.

Even now, as I look ahead to the evening, the planning starts. A bit of a creative goal for tonight is simple enough - to test the iPad and Procreate without feeling the eye strain that looms over laptop screens. It seems simple. Cook first, then see what I can do with this digital pen, a machine all its own, perhaps. A hopeful tick on the list for 'doing things that aren't just work.'

Now, to unwind, unknot, and maybe embrace a slouch on the sofa with digital pen at hand and let curiosity and a dash of creativity take the evening shift. With any luck, this whole equipment change for the evening might just stick.

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