At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.

The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.


Ah, Thursday. You were quite the adventurous one, weren’t you? The day started with the pen plotter chugging along, creating a large A1 kaleidoscope masterpiece. While it worked its magic, I switched up gears to focus on birthday cards. You know, reviving an old charm. I haven’t sent cards in ages, six years maybe. Getting those out the door really lifted my spirits. Each card felt like a tiny connection renewed, though I do wonder if they’ll find their homes.

Mid-morning, I found myself sorting through photos of the A1 plot. It’s always a bit nerve-wracking – like watching a tightrope walker, you never know if that one ink blot will ruin everything. But seriously, the piece turned out rather well. Clean lines, no track marks, just pure inky goodness. Even though it ran out on the second pass – note to self: fill the ink cartridge next time – I was pretty chuffed with the overall result.

The afternoon felt a bit like deja vu, diving into another kaleidoscope plot. New design tweaks can be a bit exhilarating, which is art-nerd speak for kind of stressful, but it’s also fascinating to explore what the code can really do. I didn’t get to the little facial details, so that’s a task for tomorrow. The curiosity itch still needs scratching.

People always say you should end on a high note, so this is mine: Feeling grateful for wrapping up without any major fiascos. My pink ink did not let me down, unlike... well, my time-keeping. I’m thankful not just for that, but also for friends who, let’s face it, make this ride worthwhile. Note to self: Keep sending those birthday cards!

And just like that, Friday is around the corner, a fresh canvas waiting to be plotted with all sorts of wondrous and ink-filled possibilities. Onward!

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