At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.

The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.


Today has been productive, despite having limited time before heading to London for PaperCamp tomorrow. I finally focused on updating my quadtree code this morning. It’s something that’s been on my mind, and I think the progress was pretty satisfying.

After that, I had a necessary yet slightly mundane task of tidying up my workspace. Things had gotten a little out of hand, and it was definitely causing me some low-level stress. Taking ten minutes to clear and organise made a world of difference. It’s surprising how much more inviting and less chaotic it feels now. Sometimes, these small actions really make a big impact on getting into the right headspace for work.

The theme I worked on today was layering different colours in my code. Not in the artistic ink sense, but how the different elements interact within the quadtree layers. I won’t get to test the code’s visual output until next week, but for now, it’s rewarding seeing the groundwork being laid. It’s all about the foundation.

Trains ran smoothly, which is always a relief. I managed to get to London without any hiccups, and checking into the hotel was straightforward. I even had a brief catch-up with a couple of friends in the evening. It was short but sweet. These small social interactions make a big difference, even if just for a change in scenery and company.

I've got everything prepped for tomorrow, including the slides for my presentation. I’m aiming for an early night to be fresh and ready for Paper Camp. There’s always this mix of anticipation and nerves before speaking, but I'm feeling reasonably prepared, mostly because the slides and index cards should keep me on track. If time allows, I might pop into the V&A, but that’ll depend on how everything goes.

Kinda tired at the end of the day now, but looking forward to the papercamp presentation tomorrow. Getting those final touches in place always brings a sense of achievement and ensures everything is ready for the big day. No matter how many times I do this, that blend of excitement and a little anxiety seems to remain.

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