At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.

The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.


This Tuesday has been a jumble of a day. Woke up with a headache that felt like it was trying to escape my skull. Note to self: wear glasses when binging on screen time, and skipping caffeine isn't as easy as it appears. The day kicked off way earlier than I'd hoped, thanks to my unwanted wake-up call at 5 AM.

I managed to get a proper start on my tasks after wrestling with the headache and the unexpected gift of wakefulness the caffeine-laden painkillers bestowed upon me. The British Gas saga loomed large on my to-do list, a holdover from the studio switch. Negotiating bills and final readings is as fun as it sounds—hint, it's not.

Dropping by the estate agent added a hint of adventure to the morning, or as much adventure as one can have discussing conveyancing delays. In the world of digital connection, sifting through social media Direct Messages felt less like a chore and more like reconnecting with the outside world. Addressing the responses waiting in my inbox reminded me of the beauty of dialogue, even if it's virtual.

Adding addresses to Kitty's system was oddly satisfying. Seeing names and numbers slide into their digital slots felt like pieces of a puzzle finding their rightful place. It's part of my venture into making sure no birthday or opportunity to send a plotted piece escapes me. The script work, however, was another story. It taunted me from my to-do list, a mountain I only managed to start climbing in the afternoon.

Reflecting on the day, the realisation hit that I’m still a one-main-task-a-day kind of guy, especially with the current stress tornado swirling around. Despite the challenging start, I made significant headway on admin tasks. Although, the creative side of things, mainly the scripts, took a backseat. Perhaps it’s the universe’s way of telling me to pace myself, or maybe it's just Tuesday being Tuesday.

The curious thing about navigating days like this is finding the small victories. Whether it's finding a solution to an ongoing task or simply managing to put pen to paper (or fingers to keys). It's the small steps that keep us moving forward, isn't it? Even if sometimes it feels like we’re walking backward.

On a side note, the headache’s retreat was a small win for today, albeit replaced by the looming cloud of an incomplete script. Maybe it’s the price to pay for an admin-clean slate. As the day mulls over into evening, the blend of satisfaction and lingering tasks remind me of the constant balance we juggle between what we achieve and what awaits us tomorrow.

The glasses, though, they stay on tomorrow, lesson painfully learned. Let’s just say, today was about tackling the beasts of necessity first, and hopefully, tomorrow, creativity takes the front seat. Here's to better days and less headaches!

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