At the end of each day (with a few exceptions) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates a "handwritten" journal entry based on the morning questions, end of day questions, and questions asked throughout the day.

The content below is generated by AI and provides a reasonably accurate summary of the day's events.


Another day, another adventure with my handwriting turned digital art. Spent the morning with a handful of uppercase letters, giving them a makeover. Seriously, they needed it. Now, re-importing them into the tool has become today's unexpected puzzle — adjusting kerning, making sure everything's aligned just right. It's like wrangling pixels that have a mind of their own, but well, that's the charm of it, isn't it?

Managed to get those letters to behave, and oh, did it pay off. Took my "256 Kill-Screen" NFT project for a little handwriting whirl and, surprise, the results were nothing short of a pleasant shock. It dawned on me; why not give this an analogue life too? Might as well have the pen plotter take a crack at it. It’s exciting seeing a digital project possibly crossing into the physical realm. Has that mad scientist vibe, doesn't it?

Now, given the stormy applause outside, my plans had to take a slight detour. You see, a storm's brewing yet again. At this rate, I'll need to invest in a boat rather than a new set of pens. But did that stop me and Velocity? Not a chance. We ventured up a hill, battling winds that could easily belong to a cinematic climax. And let me tell you, there's nothing quite like facing the elements to really feel alive. Scratch that, there’s hot food waiting at home; that’s a strong contender.

Cooking turned into another highlight of my day. There’s something almost meditative about it, a creative process not too dissimilar from art. It's just you, your ingredients, and an endless array of possibilities. Plus, you get to eat the results—talk about immediate gratification.

Despite the wind howling protests, today felt surprisingly productive. Managed to balance a walk on the wild side with coding and a culinary escapade. It's on days like these that time management seems to bow in my favor. Maybe it’s the storm outside, drumming up a sense of urgency or maybe it’s just the allure of creating something, whether it's code, food, or art, that keeps me moving.

On reflection, weaving play and exploration into my routine has sparked an undercurrent of joy. It breaks the monotony, fuels creativity, and sure spices up journaling. Speaking of which, rounding off the day with this entry has its own charm. Piecing words together, reflecting, it’s a bit like crafting another form of art. Whether it’s through stormy ventures or digital ventures, it's all adding layers to the ever-evolving canvas of life.

All considered, it's been a day well spent. Now, if only I could script a code to tackle the growing pile of dishes in the sink. But hey, that's a battle for another day.

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