a strange and desolate place
"a strange and desolate place" is the second in the trilogy of "Concord" and "Maps". It was given to owners of Concord in an air drop.
The trilogy is all about zooming out, Concord is at ground level, the building of a shelter on land under strange moons and constellations. "a strange and decolate place" is pulling out to view the whole skeletal landscape, while "Maps" is viewing and navigating on a solarsystem (and galactic).
The Hexagone (sic) in the sky is part of the entity called "The Presence", which has been sent by "The Seeker" to find "The Traveller". Over millennia "The Presence" has slowly disintegrated both physically and in it's mission, now draining the planets it finds for energy and materials to continue its journey.
The landscape in "a strange and desolate place" is the same one featured in "A Slight Case of Overbombing" just set hundreds of thousands of years later.
This artwork, like Concord also allows the downloading of SVG files than can be used to pen plot the piece on a drawing machine.