01 - Perfect loop / Infinite loop / endless GIFs
02 - Made in 10 minutes
03 - Glitch Art
04 - Intersections
05 - Debug view
06 - Steal Like An Artist
07 - Sample a color palette from your favorite movie/album cover
08 - Signed Distance Functions
09 - Plants
10 - Generative music
11 - Suprematism
12 - Tessellation
13 - Something you’ve always wanted to learn
14 - Aesemic
15 - Sine waves
16 - Reflection of a reflection
17 - A grid inside a grid inside a grid
18 - Definitely not a grid
19 - Black and white
20 - Art Deco
21 - Persian Rug
22 - Shadows
23 - More Moiré
24 - Textile
25 - Yayoi Kusama
26 - My kid could have made that
27 - In the style of Hilma Af Klint
28 - Generative poetry
29 - Maximalism
30 - Minimalism
31 - Deliberately break one of your previous images, take one of your previous works and ruin it.

View the Genuary website for more information.

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